And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in due season. Ps. 1:3

Parent and Student Handbook

The Bonner County Christian Home Educators co-op is available to families who have made the decision to home educate their children. Nursery and preschool care are available only for the convenience of BCCHE member families who are attending our K-12 classes.  

For Preschool and Nursery

Parents, please pack whatever may be necessary to keep your nursery and preschool children clean, comfortable, and content. This includes, but is not limited to: diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, special comfort toys, snacks, water bottle, a sweater or jacket (preschoolers may be taken outside to play), and any special instructions necessary to keep your child comfortable.  Our childcare providers cannot dispense medicine or provide medical treatment. If your child requries medication, be sure to dispense before, between, or after the school day. If you have a sick child, please keep him or her at home.


Each teacher, at the beginning of his or her block of instruction takes attendance.  

Abscences: Please make every effort to be at Monday school unless you or one of your children is ill. Healthy children may come with another adult who will be responsible for them as temporary guardians if you are unable to atend. Use the Temporary Guardian Form in such event. As soon as you know that you will be unable to attend follow protocol for securing a substitute for your co-op morning responsibilities and reach out to the admin team via text to let them know you will be absent.  If you have a scheduled absence, please find substitutes for your responsibilites prior to the Monday you will be gone.  

Snow Days: In the event of a snowstorm, classes may be canceled for the day. Our policy is that we cancel Monday school if the public schools are also closed due to weather. Cancellation notificaitons will be made by email by 7:00 am on Monday school days. The semester may or may not then have a "make up" day on the Monday directly following the last scheduled day of classes, keeping the term length originally scheduled. 

Background Check

Parkside Church requires that all teachers, classroom helpers, and nursery volunteers fill out a background check form. This is done annually and will be emailed to you via a company called Checkr. Parents who refuse to submit to a background check will not be able to volunteer in a classroom

Checking Into Classrooms

Immediately following Morning Assembly, K-3rd grade students will be met by their teacher and should walk to their classroom together. At the end of Block 1, the teacher will help direct students to their block 2 class or will escort them to the sanctuary.  Students in 4-12 are responsible for finding their own classroom.  Teachers should check attendance before beginning class. Block 2 teachers should walk students back as a group to the sanctuary after classrooms have been tidied.  Parents with babies, todderls, or preschoolers should check their children into their assigned rooms and pick them up promptly at the end of block 2. You may then choose to return to the sanctuary for lunch adn any end of the day announcements. 

Expected Behavior

Students: BCCHE expects students to:

- Treat adults and fellow students with courtesy and respect

- Walk quietly between classes

- Respect the property of Parkside Church

- Come to class prepared, cell phones should be put away or turned off

- Stay inside, unless given parental permission or have supervision

- Clothing should be neat, clean, and in good repair, modest in style and fit, appropriate for the activity or event, and should not draw undue attention. (1 Tim. 2:9; Col. 3:17,23-24).

Each family should review the Code of Conduct (included below) with their children and sign the form that indicates your family's agreement to adhere to this code. Your signed agreement will be filed with the BCCHE admin team on the first day of co-op. 

Discipline Policy: We are a Christian co-o and believe it honors God when our students are obedient to adults and respectful of their fellow students. 

Each classroom teacher will explain his or her own class rules to the students so that they understand what is expected of them during that class. 

If a student violates the rules, the following processes will take place:

First Offense:  The student receives a clear warning from teh teacher or other adult in chage. 

Second Offense: The student is removed from the class and taken to their parent or guardian.

Third Offense: The student and parent will meet with a member of the admin team to determine the next course of action. 

In the event of expulsion, there will be no refund of fees. 

Parents: In order to function as a co-op, we expect that you make it your purpose to get along with other families to the best of your ability. 

Read all materials provided, whether printed or electronic. Respond to any date sensitive material. Check your family folder each week for pertinent communication. Check your email Sunday evenings in the event of critical updates. 

Adhere to the policies and plans of action in place so that our co-op will flow smoothly and harmoniously. Sign and return the form indicating you have read this handbook and the subsequent Code of Conduct.

Come prepared to help where needed. Many hands make light work.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that God is the supreme ruler and that his law is higher than that of any governing body. We also know that he commands us to obey all who are in authority over us. We are confident that we will live in harmonious community with each other. 

There is a formula to keep in mind when developing a strong, harmonious team:

1. Do everything you agreed to do

2. Do not encroach upon others' time, property, or person

Monday Morning Procedures

When parents come to BCCHE co-op, they will be expected to:

- Pick up nametags for themselves and their children

- Pull all information from their family folder

Morning Assembly

Our day will begin with worship and announcements promptly at 9:00 am.  That means it will be necessary for families to arrive a few minutes early to be seated.  Families are welcome to come anytime after 8:30 to socialize and get settled before the assembly begins. We require all families to attend assembly time. This is where we will come together to worship, pray, and make announcements. 


Members of your family are welcome to join us on any co-op day but must be signed in by the participating member and must wear a temporary nametag found in the back of the file box in the foyer. 

Hall Monitors

Children are expected to be in their assigned classroom during class hours. They should not be walking the halls unattended or without reason. There will be a hall monitor assigned to help direct students to their desitnations if they are not where they're supposed to be. One monitor will remain in the lobby area of the first floor to be sure that children do not wander outside alone and that strangers do not wander in. This is for everyone's safety. 


Namestags are stored in your family folder. Adults and children must wear these nametags every Monday for all to see. Please do not take them home.  Return them to your family folder at the end of co-o day. Broken name tags should be turned into a member of the admin team. They will be replaced and mended for the following Monday. 

No Drop Off Policy/Parent Participation

We are a co-operative. This means that well a need to work together to run a smooth, cost effective school morning. Every child enrolled must have a participating parent or guardian who is at Monday school the entire time that the child is in the building. Any parent who chooses to ignore this rule will jeopardize his or her family's continued participation at BCCHE. 

Each parent will fill a position at the school.  If the parent is not a coordinator or teacher, he/she will be assigned as a helped in a classroom, as a substitute, or in another role deemed necessary by the admin team. Parents may either select a position or have one assigned on registration day. 

Wellness Policy

Please do not bring your child to co-op if he/she has any of the following:

- A temperature of 100 degrees or higher

- A runny nose

- Green or murky discharge from eyes or pink eye

- A rash

- Vomiting or diarrhea

- A productive cough with fever or sore throat

- Head lice

- COVID-19 symptoms

For those who wish to use it, a no-contact digital thermometer will be available in the nursery. Hand sanitizer and disinfectant will also be on hand. Thank you for respecting the health of other children and their teachers. 


Following classes, families may choose to stay for a time of lunch fellowship in the sanctuary. This is not a required part of the co-op, but many find it an enjoyable time to connect with friends.  Family members should attempt to set together while consuming their pizzas or packed lunches. Once lunch has been eaten, members may move around the sanctuary. After lunch tables have been wiped clean, do not return to those tables. They need to remain clean for the community dinner that the church serves Monday evening. 

Parents or guardians are responsible for supervising their child or children's behavior during lunchtime. Nobody should be running. Nobody should be upstairs or in the classrooms. Playing in the restrooms is off limits, as is going onto the stage.  Running around in the parking lot is prohibited. Children disobeying the rules or being rowdy will be sent to their parents. Remember we are guests in the church, and it is a place of worship and business. 


Beth Hoerth, 208-610-2147, [email protected]

Jessica Carlson, 208-416-8936, [email protected]

Pastor Tim Yetter: Senior Pastor of Parkside Church, 208-263-2676

Code of Conduct

As home schooling families we represent to those around us the home educating community and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Additionally, we desire to interact in a way that is mutually edifying to our participaing families and consistent with the instruction presented in God's word. Therefore, as families we will need to refrain from some things in a group setting that may be allowed at home. 

Parents, please go over these guidelines/rules with your children, teaching Scriptures as the basis for our rules. Also, we recognize that his list will not include every possible situation, but we hope that the guidelines and Scriptures used will give a basis for handling most situations.

1. Show respect for authority figures- other parents, tour guides, field trip leaders, and guest speakers. Teach your children that the adult in charge of the activity has been delegated by ou to speak to them in your place and to correct inappropriate behavior if necessary. (1 Peter 2:13-17; Romans 13:1)

2. Wholesome friendships are encouraged between boys and girls. Students should look upon one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Have an attitude of compassion for differences, needs, or disabilities of others.  Teach chidlren not to be cruel to people who are different from themselves. (Matthew 7:12; James 2:1-9; Galatians 5:22-24; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 5:3)

3. Unkind remarks, name calling, profanity, coarse jokes, conversations involving occult or sexual situations is unacceptable. (1 Thess. 2:12; Ephesians 4:1 & 5:4-5)

4. Respect the property and landscape of those we are visiting.  Remind children to walk in the halls, sit in their seats and "stay on the path". Playing on the stage, using electronics, or office equipment without proper permission is not allowed. Climbing trees or fences; picking leaves or flowers on private property is not appropriate (1 Cor. 8:7-13; Phil. 2:3-4; Romans 12:17-18)

5. On field trips, in co-op classes, and other assembly, come prepared to listen attentively and behave appropriately. Please help your students to wait quiet for field trips and assemblies to begin. Bring quiet items for your young ones. Your children should be with you, or another designated parent. Please keep headphones, ear buds, cell phones, or other distracting articles at home or turned off in a backpack. (James 3:13)

6. Clothing should be clean, neat, and in good repair, modest in style, fit, appropriate for the activity or event,and should not draw undue attention. (1 Tim. 2:9; Col. 3:17, 23-24)

7. No weapons, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or illegal drugs- are permitted during any homeschool function. Noncompliance will result in expulsion from the current activity, and for a second offense, expulsion from future homeschool activities. (Matt. 5:16; Gal. 5:19-21)